greek black metal
Albums scraped2021-12-07T05:50:40.489Z
Last updated2021-12-12T03:13:53.852Z
Released at
57Goat - goat1982
2Rotting Christ - Satanas Tedeum1989-10
82Osculum Infame - Flame Of Hate1992
76Necromantia - Crossing the Fiery Path1993
26Various Artists - Black Arts Lead to Everlasting Sins1994-09
33Thou Art Lord - Eosforos1994
13Zemial - For the Glory of UR1996
35Drutentus - In Frigidis Silvis1996
43Astarte - Doomed Dark Years1998-01-01
6Rotting Christ - Sleep Of The Angels1999-01-04
34Der Stürmer - Europa Erwache!1999
42Der Stürmer - Siegtruppen2000
52Bacchia Neraida - Dionysos2000
93Strigoi - Legions Of Darkness2000
94Necromantia - IV: Malice2000
23Der Stürmer - The Blood Calls for W.A.R.!2001-10
11Nocternity - En Oria2001
16Nocternity - Crucify Him2001
95Prometheus - Cosmogenesis:Inferno2001
98Prometheus - Beyond the Cosmic Twilight2001
81Rotting Christ - Genesis2002-10-29
44Insidius Infernus - Pale Grieving Moon2002-11-19
59Wolfnacht - Heidentum2002
66Der Stürmer - Iron Will & Discipline2002
87Virus Of Koch - Penetrate My Ego2002
56Nocternity - Onyx2003
5Nocternity - A Fallen Unicorn2004-11-12
31Gottlos - Infernal Pandemonio2004
40Winterdemons - The Darkest Storm2006-08
10Acrimonious - Perdition Gospel2006-11-29
27Der Stürmer - A Banner Greater than Death2006
28Nergal - Absinthos2006
64Rotting Christ - Theogonia2007-01-22
14Ravencult - Temples of Torment2007-04-30
20Sad - A Curse in Disguise2007-07-11
30Nargothrond - Following the Frostpaths of the Hyperborean Landscapes2007-09-21
8Dodsferd - Cursing Your Will To Live2007-10-09
25Sarvari - Arcadian Nightly Mysteries2007
47Athos - Crossing The River Of Charon2008-04-22
21Der Stürmer - Bloodsworn (The First Decade)2008-12-01
62Prometheus - Astrophobos2008
74Opus Magorum - The Cult Of The Serpent2008
79Chaotic Symmetry - Ερπώμενοι2008
22Rotting Christ - Aealo2010-02-15
53Necrohell - Under The Sign Of A Pagan Winter2010-05-15
49Kvele - Dawn of the Impaler2010-12-01
78Aasgard - Ravens Hymns Foreshadows The End2010-12-25
19Rotting Christ - A Dead Poem (Limited Edition)2010
32Caedes Cruenta - Skies Daimonon2010
39Nargothrond - Doctrine Of Lies2010
41Grim Destroyer - Might and Majesty2010
61Der Stürmer - Carelian Pagan Madness2010
85Necrohell - Where Solitude And Coldness Unite2010
91Skogen - Forbannet Inn Isolation's Stein2010
58Amnis Nihili - Christological Escalation2011-09-23
24Der Stürmer - Transcendental Racial Idealism2011-09-28
63Necrohell - Carpathian Nights2011-11-19
75Vigour - No Gods To Praise2011
73Thy Darkened Shade - SAATET - TA APEP2012-05-26
51Aasgard - Morbid Celestial Desecration2012
60Winter Eternal - Darkness Guides Me2012
3Rotting Christ - Κατά τον δαίμονα εαυτού2013-03-01
50Kvele - Necrohill2013-08-00
69Necrochakal - Chakal's Throne2013-09-15
36Der Stürmer - Areifatoi2013-10-30
45Necrohell - Possessed By Nocturnal Grimness2013
77Himonas - To the Battlements2013
97Sarvari - Anthem Of The Black Knight2013
18A Diadem of Dead Stars - The Mist Bearer2014-09-23
9Varathron - Untrodden Corridors of Hades2014-11-21
46Virus Of Koch - Lux Et Veritas2014
4Rotting Christ - Lucifer Over Athens2015-01-01
15Human Serpent - Inhumane Minimalism2015-01-07
96Sanguis Profanum - Sub Umbra Malum2015-02-18
86Insanity Cult - Insanity Be My Kvlt2015-04-29
88Virus Of Koch - Ultima Momentum / Voro: Forma Mentis2015-09-06
17Darchon - The Stygian Black Beyond2015
38Winter Eternal - Winter Eternal2016-01-29
7Ravencult - Force Of Profanation2016-11-11
1Rotting Christ - Rituals2016
84Bethor - Collapsing Generation of Luciferian Infant Legions2016
12Acrimonious - Eleven Dragons2017-03-20
80Prometheus - Consumed in Flames2017-04-28
83Faceless God - Behold The Throne Of Christian Tyranny2017-07-08
29Primal Cult - Perennial Fire2018-02-18
100Mortuus/Serpent Noir - Nyctophilia / Dreaming Iblis2018-04-12
37Varathron - Patriarchs of Evil2018-04-27
90Acherontas - Atavistic Resurgence (Split)2018-05-18
92Rögnirgoden - Tower of Black Magic [Ep]2018-09-15
68Wampyrinacht - We Will Be Watching - Le Cultes de Satan et Les Mysteres De la Mort2018-10-15
54Sorry... - Failure Years of Neglect Apathy2019-04-10
65Winter Eternal - Realm of the Bleeding Shadows2019-06-01
72Hor - Exitium2019-11-22
70Mystras - Castles Conquered and Reclaimed2020-07-17
89Horna - Atavistic Resurgence (split)2020-07-22
71Prometheus - Resonant Echoes from Cosmos of Old2020-10-23
67Leeches - A Plague In The Heart of Light2020
99Lunar Spells - Medieval Shadows From An Netherworld2021-01-09
55Animal Man Machine - Until We See The Light2021-03-09
48Lunar Spells - Where Silence Whispers2021-09-24